Tuesday 24 November 2009


I'm not liking today. Today hurts.

I woke up with a headache and a pain in my side, as if I'd slept wrong. Now, don't get me started on sleeping wrong, because I'm starting to believe there is no right way to sleep when you're pregnant. I don't think I've been able to sleep through since before I knew I was pregnant. If I'm not waking up to use the toilet, my belly's getting in the way, or I have a bed spring poking me in the rib, or Hubby is snoring in my face, or I just feel nauseus.

And they say it's a wonderful time...

I headed to work, all the time having to clutch my side to ease the discomfort, which got worse whenever I moved or walked. I spoke to my colleague and asked her what it might be, and she said it was probably my ligaments stretching to accommodate my ever-growing baby. That's cool, but I didn't expect it to feel so uncomfortable.

The feeling eventually wore off around lunchtime, but it seems the muscle cramp and my headache have struck a deal, and my headache has become steadily worse since noon. This is the first day since being back at work that I've had to deal with the pain without my trusty friend, Paracetamol. I don't like it.

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