Sunday 13 December 2009

The Halfway Point

Baby and I have officially reached the halfway mark: 20 weeks!

People warned me the pregnancy would go quickly, but I never believed them. I don't know if it's the run-up to Christmas, but right now time is passing in the blink of an eye. The baby will be here before I know it! Here is my latest belly pic:

I seem to have ballooned in the past couple of weeks, but I'm loving every second. I had to go through all my clothes and pack away the ones I can't fit into anymore. I've packed away a bin bag full already, and only have a small pile of pregnant clothes I can wear, haha!

Anyway, to mark the halfway point, I thought I'd post a collection of my belly pics to date:

But even more exciting than reaching this milestone, I felt the baby kicking last night!! You probably know I've been really impatient about feeling kicks, because aside from feeling what I think was a flutter at 15+4, I have felt nothing. But last night, I felt something. Like a little hand knocking away in my lower belly. I was so thrilled.

The feeling came and went within a second or two, but there it was ten minutes later, and again about an hour later. I tried pressing my belly to see if I could feel anything, but the movements stopped. I haven't felt anything since, and I guess it will be another couple of weeks before I can feel it with my hand. But for now, I'm happy just knowing the baby's doing well.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I can't believe your HALFWAY there already!! :) Time is FLYING by! :) So are you going to find out the gender of the baby?