Wednesday 2 December 2009

Lots of Walking

I went to my third physio appointment this morning. I'm not sure if I've mentioned that yet, but when we got back from our honeymoon, I found I'd torn my hamstring. I'm still not sure how, because people say you know when you've torn it, but I only felt it when it ached in the days afterwards. In the UK you can get 5 physio appointments free of charge. After that, you pay around £30 ($55) per session.

The physio has been helping me with my hamstring, but is also taking the opportunity to give me some exercises for the pregnancy, which I know will be really useful in the coming months. But it's like being back at school! I have to do seven exercises three times a day, and at my next appointment on 11th December, she will check to see how I'm doing. It's a good thing she's given me the exercises printed out with photos, because my memory is atrocious!

At midday I headed to the doctor for my swine flu jab. Now, I know this may have people up in arms, but trust me, I've gone back and forth over this for months now, and I decided it was the best thing for me. My midwife also recommended it especially in my situation, seeing as I will be travelling across Europe for a week when we emigrate in February. Going into early labour in a foreign country is one thing, but being pregnant and falling ill with swine flu is another thing altogether. I just don't want to risk further complications.

Anyway, the nurse said I may have a "dicky tummy" (nothing out of the ordinary for me), and in a day or so my arm may start to ache. Fun fun! I made a point of reminding her I was pregnant (in case she gave me the wrong vaccine by mistake), and she said she noticed by the size of my belly! She said the baby might be "a whopper" if I'm so big already.

Scared much?

On my way back to the office after my jab, I bumped into two people I know, and both asked me straight out if I was pregnant. What a great feeling to be able to say "yes". Last time someone asked me that, I actually wasn't - the shame - and I signed up for Weight Watchers the very same week!

I've walked three times my usual amount today; because after my lunch break I had to take my winter coat to the dry cleaners (after having found moth larvae under the lapel - guh!) I'm feeling all the exercise in my back and hamstring now though, so I guess this gives me an excuse to relax this evening!

In other news, I'm 4 months pregnant today; woohoo! I officially look great in all my stretchy dresses! I had been saving them because up until now I just looked like I'd eaten all the pies, and who wants to wear a figure-hugging dress to accentuate that? Not me. But I tried them on last night and I look great! Time to start jazzing myself up again...


Rachel said...

Please tell me that that is not an actual picture of a newborn baby... WHOLEY HUGE!

Lara said...

That was a 19lb newborn; scary isn't it? If I get anywhere like that I will demand to be induced early!