Tuesday 18 August 2009

Brilliant Weekend Full of Food

I'm just popping in quickly today, because this week is hectic at work.

I had a brilliant weekend, starting with a night out with the girls from work on Friday night to celebrate my birthday. We had only intended on staying for one, but somehow it had reached 11pm by the time we left the bar; fed and watered and we'd had a blast.

On Saturday I woke to realise it was my birthday. Hubby bought me a card; though he forgot to collect the envelope in the shop, and ended up wrapping it in tin foil(!). Hubby never buys me cards, so I was thrilled to get one from him, that had "wife" emblazoned across the front.

At lunchtime my mother picked me up and we headed into town. We went to see "The Time Traveller's Wife" at the cinema; which I thoroughly recommend by the way. It's such a good film, but so sad! I've since decided to add the book to my honeymoon reading.

After the cinema, we went for dinner at "Old Orleans", which specialises in dishes from the Southern States; cajun chicken and all that. As you can tell; I was right off the diet...

I went home in the evening and vegged out on the sofa watching a couple of films, and waiting for Hubby to finish work.

On Sunday, Hubby and I went to Kingston to spend the gift vouchers we'd been given for the wedding. We wandered around the store choosing stuff (including more of the crockery we'd had our eye on, some Le Creuset cookware, and a lean meat grill), went to grab a bite to eat (bangers and mash), before making our way back home and grabbing a KFC for dinner.

Monday strolled around, and it was back to the throes of work; although I'd forgotten that this week we are auditing, so I was in for a busy one. Nevertheless, I met Hubby for lunch and wandered around town for a while in the sunshine (because England finally decided to perk up!). I got home last night and Hubby was cooking me a jacket potato and Yorkshire Puddings. Mmmm...

A weekend of food and sunshine; over way too quickly. I should turn 25 more often...


Rachel said...

Happy birthday!!! :)

Lara said...

Thank you :) I had a wonderful weekend, and I'm so full of food!