Monday 24 August 2009

Cooking Mad

I spent about 3 hours on Sunday cleaning up the state that was our kitchen. I'm ashamed to admit that I had neglected the room, in favour of closing the door on it and living in denial. But it's time all that changed.

I cleaned everything, and I stood back to admire my work before sitting down in front of the television; only to realise that I was restless. So I baked scones!

In all honesty, mine didn't look as yummy as these ones, and only when I was putting the scones on the baking tray did I realise I was out of raisins, cinammon, jam, cream, or anything else that made scones sweet. So I ended up putting cheese on the top of a few, and leaving the others plain. I've since bought raisins, cinammon and chocolate chips :)

But tonight, as part of my cooking frenzy, I will be baking fairy cakes.

I've never baked fairy cakes, so it's going to be a learning curve to say the least, but I stocked up on mini cake cases, icing sugar and toppings, which should keep me busy for a while. It won't help my weight loss, but I can always bring the extras to work and make everyone else chubby!


Rachel said...

If you bake the cakes with applesauce instead of oil it will make them more healthy! :)

Good luck!

Lara said...

Apple sauce sounds nice, although I didn't use oil in either of the recipes...