Tuesday 25 August 2009

The Best Gift in the World

I literally can't believe it! I woke up early and went straight to the bathroom to test. I wear my contact lenses to bed, and when I get up, I'm bleary eyed for a moment until the sleep clears. But today I wasn't prepared to wait. I took the test and headed into the lounge, turned the TV on and waited. I looked at the test before the allotted time, and still bleary eyed, I saw the line emerging. I frowned, thought nothing of it; my contact lenses must be dirty.

But looking back at it, the line was there, plain to see. I couldn't believe it; I couldn't be that lucky...

Well, I didn't wait until the evening to tell Hubby, because I couldn't hold in my joy. I was jumping around the lounge squealing; I had to tell someone. I boiled the kettle and poured him a coffee in a mug decorated with lots of "No 1 Daddy" script, (after all, 8am is too early for beer...) and went to wake him up...

Me: "Honey, honey, wake up"
Him: "Mmph, go away"
Me: "Do you want some coffee?"
Him: "No, leave me alone" (he's not a morning person)
Me: "No, I think you want this coffee, it's in a special mug!"
He opened his eyes, looked at it and laughed slightly, closing them again and trying to go back to sleep. He thought I was being silly.
Me: "no, you don't understand", and waved the test around in front of his face.
He looked at it, frowned and sighed. "I need to pee".
Me: "is that all you can say?"
Him: "I need a pee!"

I wait in the lounge, he comes in and looks at the test again, this time comparing it with the diagrams on the box. He too realises it's a positive. He shrugs, "well, I had no doubt; I am amazing", and then he smirks and tells me his coffee isn't strong enough. Well, not after that shock, no

Yeah, he's not a morning person, but when I left he was smiling, so that's a good sign!


Rachel said...


Rob and Amy said...

Congratulations girl!!!!!!!

Lara said...

Thanks ladies. I'm thrilled to be going through this right now. I still can't believe it's happening, and I don't think it will sink in for a while...

Suzanne said...

Congrats!!!!!!! Being a mom is the best, you're going to love it! =)

Perfectly Imperfect said...

oh wow!!! congratulations hon!!! that's awesome!!