Tuesday 20 October 2009

Introducing our Beautiful Baby

I'm starting to feel a little more human, which is a cause for celebration! I therefore hope that I will be back a little more regularly from now on, so I can keep you all filled in on how things are going.

We went for our 12 week scan yesterday, and I'm relieved to say all is looking good.

We had a bit of a chaotic time getting to the hospital, because unbeknownst to us they had closed the usual car park, meaning cars were at a stand still trying to find a parking space. I was worried I would totally miss the appointment, so I went ahead leaving Hubby to park the car.

He actually ended up missing the first half of the appointment, and I felt really guilty being able to see the baby kicking around; but thankfully the sonographer was happy to repeat the scan for him when he did arrive. She did all the measurements before he got there, so he was just able to see the baby moving about happily.

His face lit up as soon as he saw the baby, which was lovely to see. He was grinning from ear to ear afterwards!

It might sound strange, but when she put the scanner on my belly, it was weird to actually see a baby in there! Of course I know I'm pregnant, but I was sitting there thinking "what's that doing in there?!"

The baby was still at first but bouncing around happily afterwards. He/she had a strong heartbeat of 164bpm, which we hadn't been expecting to hear until 16 weeks.

The baby is currently measuring 5.5cm crown to rump, and the chances of Downs Syndrome are 1 in 221,817, which is very low. The estimated due date remains 2nd May 2010, and I'm currently 12 weeks and 2 days.

Up until now it was like a dream. Now I''ve seen him/her I'm overcome with love for this little baby. I can't explain it, and it feels like such a cliche, but my entire world has just got 5.5cm bigger!



Rachel said...

So glad to hear you're doing well!! :)

Lara said...

Thanks Rachel :) I felt awful for not posting in ages, but I'm determined to change that now that I'm back to my old self.

Christina said...

I gave you an award! Check out my blog for details.