Monday 5 October 2009

Checking In...

Just a quick one today, to let you know that I am still around, and I'm doing well. I'm just exhausted, so what time I do have, I'm ploughing into work and housework at the moment. Sorry if it seems like I'm avoiding you; I'm simply diving for my bed each evening.

We went on our honeymoon and had a kind of okay time. I've told the story a thousand times now, and I don't want to bore you with the details, but basically we spent £5,000 on the most chaotic trip imaginable, and we were just glad to get home. Sad, eh?

Anyway, we've been back for two weeks now, and I'm over the jet lag, but not over my exhaustion. Nobody told me that even ten minutes of housework would make me feel as if I'd been hit by a truck and wanting my bed, but I've been told this is normal in the first trimester.

I was feeling pretty nauseus between weeks 6 and 10, but it seems to be subsiding now. FIngers crossed it stays that way! I'm now 10 weeks gone, have seen my midwife and am eagerly awaiting my first scan, which is booked for 19th October. I'll try to post again soon...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I've missed you!! Glad you're back! Hawaii was hectic? :( I hope you are able to post again soon!