Wednesday 9 December 2009

It's Official

We're moving.

Of course it was official months ago, but now it's really official. I typed the letter we have to submit to terminate our tenancy, and I sent it off this morning. In two months we will be leaving our flat forever.

Our last official day in the flat will be Saturday 13th February 2010. Since we're paid up until midnight, and the letting agent closes at 5pm, they cannot take the keys from us on that day, so we are handing them back on Monday 15th February. It means we get a whole extra day to move out... and I think we're going to need it. Even after we get all our stuff out we have to lay down a new carpet (I'll go into that another time, but it's a great story!)

We're a step closer to the whole process though; Hubby bough himself a van. I won't hold out for your gasps of excitement, because quite frankly, I don't find buying a dodgy van off Ebay exciting at all.

It's a good thing Hubby does.

We ended up "winning" (I still don't know how you win anything from Ebay, when you've clearly promised to pay for it) a red Volkswagen Transporter for £1,200. That's about $1,950 for all my friends across the pond. It looks (I'm told) something like this:

I have a feeling it's going to be a little more dingey and much less shiny than this one, but you get the idea. Apparently the owner tried to revamp it into a Volkswagen Camper-type vehicle, but not very well, so it has a little table and cooker in the back, which we will be ripping out in order to be able to fit more stuff in. Once we get the van, we can assess how much we can fit in it, and start thinking about shipping the rest of our things to Hubby's Homeland.

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