Thursday 27 August 2009

Call me the Tantrum Fairy

Day three, and I'm an emotional wreck. Hubby would argue, but I don't normally consider myself prone to PMT; however today I can't seem to stop!

I found out this morning that my dad isn't going out of town after all, and that we could have told him about the pregnancy this weekend. However it then means that my mother, older brother and sister-in-law won't know until after the honeymoon, because last night was the last night I would see them before we fly.

I know it's not a big thing, but it now means I have to keep quiet for three more painful weeks because of disorganisation. I'm finding it so hard to keep quiet as it is. But I know I won't mind so much on Saturday; when I get to spend 3 full weeks talking to Hubby about the pregnancy, and bore him silly. At the moment I only see him for an hour each day, and I don't want to overwhelm him with baby talk, so I'm pretty limited and only able to talk to people online about it.

So that would explain my blog rant ;)

Seriously though, I'm having a wonderful week, despite feeling constantly drained and emotional. It's all part of the experience, and I'm just glad to be going through it, because it only ever felt like a distant dream.

I went to my Weight Watchers weigh-in last night to discover that I'd lost another pound, despite eating cakes and scones this week. I have come to the conclusion that my body only ever loses weight when I feed it junk food. It's a weird but rather exciting realisation; though I don't think it will do me much good when I have a baby relying on me to provide the essential nutrients...

I told my Weight Watchers leader that I was pregnant, and that I wanted to continue going to the meetings (but not weighing), because I want to ensure that my mum still goes and gets to her goal weight), and she said it was fine, and that she too was pregnant! She hasn't said a word to anyone yet, so it's like we're sharing a secret with one another.

Anyway, that's my last weigh-in with Weight Watchers for now, and it feels good. I didn't get to my goal weight, but I got down to 139.5lbs; under 10 stone! I'm thrilled to be 9-stone-something for the honeymoon; the lightest I've been in 4 years!

Lastly, I wanted to say a huge thank you to those that have sent me their warming congratulatory messages. They mean so much to me at the moment, and I just wanted you to know that.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You're allowed to throw a tantrum, lady! You've got a lot of things going on right now! :)