Friday 28 August 2009

First Doctor's Appointment

I went for my first doctor's appointment this morning, to discuss what I should be doing now I'm pregnant. I had expected him to ask to see a positive pregnancy test, or for me to pee in a cup or something; but he took my word for it.

He gave me the expected due date of 4th May, which is 2 days past what the internet and the baby books have been telling me; not that it matters really. He also booked me in to see the midwife on 29th September. I'm unclear as to whether I'll be having an ultrasound then, but they've given me a pee cup to look after, so I know I'll be doing that.

I'm so impatient; I almost want to wish the first trimester away just so I have peace of mind and so I know I'm out of the woods as far as losing the baby is concerned, but at the same time I want to experience everything in its entirety.

I've been on the verge of telling a lady I work with for a few days now, but when I was going to blurt it out yesterday, she was sick with cold, so it wouldn't have been a good time. Now she's off sick, so I suppose it's a good thing. Even if I have to blurt it out when I get back from honeymoon; I'll be 8 weeks gone, so my chances of miscarriage will be significantly lower anyway.

I feel like I'm bursting at the seams; but in a good way!

And now I'm off the diet I've allowed myself to indulge in the naughty foods a little, but yesterday I went way over the top by having a KFC for lunch and a pizza for dinner. Today I'm reigning it back in and I'm eating sensibly; or this poor kid may be born with an addiction to junk food...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm bursting at the seams for you! I'll be thinking of you during this first trimester!