Wednesday 26 August 2009

Sinking In

Actually, I don't know that it is sinking in, but I couldn't think of another title! I've known about this baby for 33 hours, and it still feels weird. It still feels like my period's about to start, so until I'm about 2 weeks late, I think I'll be expecting it to arrive.

I told a colleague about the pregnancy today; the first live person I've told other than my husband. It feels weird to say it out loud, but I'm so glad I now have someone to talk to face-to-face about it. And she's pregnant with her second, so she knows what I'm experiencing.

I'm going for my last Weight Watchers weigh-in tonight, and I know I will have put on weight. I didn't pig out this week, but I did bake scones and fairy cakes, and since yesterday I've had a little bit extra to eat during the day; even though I know I didn't need it!

I'm also going to dinner with my mother, brother and sister-in-law tonight in order to celebrate my birthday and their second wedding anniversary. We're a little late, but it's good to celebrate all the same. I was also going to throw the pregnancy news into the mix tonight, but I have since decided against it.

The reason for this is because my dad, stepmum and little brother are going out of town this weekend, which is the only opportunity we had to tell them the news. For that reason we have to catch up with them when we get back in mid September. And if my big brother and sister-in-law accidentally say something to them about the pregnancy, then they're effectively found out from someone else, instead of hearing it directly from us.

My dad found out about my brother's wedding planning through someone else; I don't want him to find out about his first grandchild the same way. So tonight I'm going to have to "keep it buttoned" and resist saying anything. It's going to be very hard!


~ Donna ~ said...


Rachel said...

Can't wait to continue seeing your progress!! I'm still so excited for you!! :)